A few dates for your diaries below and please note we have a couple of venue changes for the Weds matches as MBL is still very weedy:
Weds 18 Oct: River Stort Backwater match (change from MBL)
Sun 22 Oct: Hall Farm large lake match
Weds 25 Oct: Hall Farm large lake match
Thurs 26 Oct: works to MBL car park - parking will be very limited
Sun 29 Oct: Beggars Hall match (change from MBL)
Weds 1 Nov: Beggars Hall match
Sun 5 Nov: Canoe Club race on the main River for most of the day
Sun 5 Nov: Hall Farm large lake match
Weds 8 Nov: River Stort Backwater match (change from MBL)
Weds 15 Nov: Hall Farm large lake match
Weds 22 Nov: Hall Farm large lake match (change from MBL)
The MBL car park works are all now done, please drive slowly on the new surface until it beds in.