Hall Farm Small Lake
Great Hallingbury CM22 7TP
W3W brand.rent.flown
The small lake is approximately 0.5 acres. Weed fringed with depths up to 6 feet - the swims near the car park are shallower. There are 16 pegged swims. The swims are mostly level but are grassed so can be a little slippy if we have had lots of rain. This is the Club's stock pond and is full of lots of small fish and makes a great lake for those new to fishing or if you just want to have some fun. Watch out though for some of the bigger residents so don't fish too light.
Getting there:
From the M11 Roundabout (Bishop's Stortford): take the B1256 (old A120) to Dunmow. At the Esso station on the left take the road opposite to Great Hallingbury.
Follow the road (past the Beggars Hall fishery) all the way to Great Hallingbury. Just after the village hall the road goes into a dip, at the bottom of the dip on the right there is a 5 bar farm gate with a combination lock which is the entrance to the fishery. If you go over a small bridge you have gone too far.
From Bishop's Stortford take the A1060 Hallingbury Road towards Little Hallingbury. A little before you get to Little Hallingbury turn left (Church Lane) head towards Great Hallingbury. Continue towards Great Hallingbury and over the M11. You will then start heading down a hill and over a small bridge where the road narrows, the fishery turn off is on the left just after the bridge with a 5 bar farm gate with a combination lock which is the entrance to the fishery. If you get to the Great Hallingbury village sign you have gone too far.
There is a car park near the lake which is on the left as you head up the farm track after the gate. If the car park is full please park on the hardstanding.
Species: Roach, Rudd, Carp, Crucian, Perch and Tench. There are no pike in the lake.
Close season/no fishing - 1 April to 31 May (inc.)
Fishing dawn to dusk - no night fishing
Dogs not permitted
Juniors must be accompanied by an adult.