Phil's day
Morning to all and what a murky day that the Weds club fished it first round one of our winter league. I drew peg 8, last in the bag, and happy with that as it's been fishing quite well lately. I made up two pole lines - one at 7 meters and 1 down the margin. I fed the longer line with corn and pellets and the one and only margin line with pellets and maggots. I had the feeder ready to go for longer distances. I tried the feeder to start with but not a touch so onto the 7 meter line. Stayed with this catching odd rudd and roach but nothing else so by now it's midday and I thought it's time to go down the margins. Tried there a couple of times earlier but just small fish this time but I thought go for the bits as it was better than nothing. I caught at least 2 or 3lbs of these but by now its 2.30 with only a hour to go. The float went under but this time the fish fought back at last a carp of about 4lb and I thought it's now come to life but no just that carp. With 20mins to go got myself another carp this time it's a lump. I played it carefully as it's got to be a double of 16 odd lbs or more this gave me a weighed in weight of 22lbs 6oz.
The lake was split between high and low banks. Low bank 1st Jeff Pearson with 24lbs3oz, 2nd Peter Green with 23lbs 1oz and 3rd Phil Whitmill with 22lbs 6oz. High bank 1st Steve Foster with 46lbs 14oz, 2nd John Carter with 37lbs 7oz and 3rd Bill Beeston with 14lbs 6oz. Today's photo is Bill B.