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Sunday 10 December 2023

Hall Farm Large Lake

Club match/outing

1st Mark Halverson 47lbs 5oz
2nd Phil Whitmill 29lbs 1oz
3rd John Todd 19lbs 2oz

Club match/outing
Club match/outing

Gary's day

It was another mild but wet week which saw us at Hall Farm's large lake this week. Thankfully it was a lot less windy than the day before but was going to be wet.

Out of the bag came peg 12 for me with us spread down the low bank. Peg 12 has its days, was this one? After 2+ hours of trying the feeder and a couple of pole lines it was not going well. Not a bite or sign of fish bar one small liner on the feeder. I had no idea how the rest of lake was fishing as the trees down the bank meant I could not see anyone.

Finally I had a bite on the pole and the strike was met with solid resistance. But it came off. At last some encouragement. A few minutes later I had another bite and after some very careful playing ..... it came off. The day was going very badly. Another 20 mins passed and then another bite and another fish hooked and this one escaped after straightening the fine wire hook. Time for a stronger hook. Finally I had one in the net and then another 10 mins later. But that was it for the pole line - 45 mins of activity and then it died. A consolation carp on a maggot feeder was it for the day and the last 90 mins was biteless for me.

Down the other end of the lake things went a bit better with the feeder accounting for most fish.

1st Mark Halverson 47lbs 5oz, 2nd Phil Whitmill 29lbs 1oz and 3rd John Todd 19lbs 2oz. Picture today is my very wet swim whilst packing up - thankfully the rain stopped.

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