Gary's day
After a mild week and some decent weights on the Weds match I was hoping for a few bites. The BBC's weather forecast ended up wrong (very wrong) and the chances of showers later turned into heavy rain, strong winds, hail and even a clap of thunder.
I pulled out peg 9, in the deeps with Phil to the right on 10 and Dave to the left on 8. I was pleasantly surprised when 5 mins in the tip went round and a 4lb carp was in the net. It was a false dawn though. Another small carp 45 mins later still had me hoping but it was clearly fishing very difficult despite odd fish topping all day - obviously always just beyond the mid-way mark in no man's land.
A few tries on the pole at 6 sections, even 4 sections was unfishable later due to the wind, ended with a nice roach before the wind and rain meant it was back to the tip. Tries on the pole during the day (when the wind dropped enough to hold the pole still and the rain eased off enough to see the float) found me another small F1, a small perch and a gudgeon that was bigger than the perch.
Tony had mercy on us and the match finished at 2.30 rather than 3. My fish went just under 10lbs with Fred's 2 late carp pushing him into second. Mark on peg 5 had a steady day with his 6 carp on the feeder easily winning.
1st Mark Halverson 28lbs 10z, 2nd Fred Hunt 12lbs 4oz and 3rd Gary Pickard 9lbs 12oz.
Sorry no photo today as it was still raining at the weigh in.