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Wednesday 20 March 2024

Malcolm Barker Lake

Club match/outing

1st Fred Hunt 7lbs 14oz
2nd Jeff Pearson 6lbs 15oz
3rd Rob Calderón 2lbs 15oz
4th Steve Foster 2lbs 12oz

Club match/outing
Club match/outing

Phil's day

It's a good morning to all. The Weds club fished the Malcolm Barker Lake today. It was always going to be hard going for some even with hand picked pegs. I drew peg 8 but donated it to Fred who drew 2 - it's very awkward to get down with the steps almost vertical so that's not going in anymore. I fed red maggots and a golf ball of groundbait with micro pellets. It was 2 hours when I got my first bite, Steve next door on peg 3 was catching well and decent roach as well then his swim died and that's when I started to catch the odd few. Weighed in 1lbs 1oz

First Fred Hunt with 7lbs 14oz, 2nd Jeff Pearson with 6lbs 15oz, 3rd Rob Calderón with 2lbs 15oz and 4th Steve Foster with 2lbs 12oz. Pic is Steve Foster on the next door peg 3.

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