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Wednesday 17 January 2024

River Stort Backwater

Club match/outing

Club match/outing
Club match/outing

Phil's day

Hi to all on such a cold day. The Weds club cancelled their match on Beggers Hall Lake as it was frozen over, so a few of us had a match on the Backwater on the River Stort as this was clear of ice. I drew peg 6 not a bad peg but with this cold I wasn't sure what to expect. There was a nice flow and a bit of colour in the water.
Started off on bread and crumb and gradually started to get a few bites and the odd fish so tried maggots for a while and picked up a few better but roach this didn't last long so back to bread. In the last hour the bites trailed off so it was down to a last resort of pinkies and I started picking up odd very small fish then, with half hour to go, I broke my hook length so on to my lighter rig which was set slightly deeper. On the first run through I had a small perch and, with 5 minutes , left had my last fish - a 5oz perch and a good way to end the match.

Thanks to Terry for his help weighing everyone in, and a thank you to everyone in the team for my Christmas present. Pic is Terry and John (in the background) on pegs 12 and 11.

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