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Wednesday 1 December 2021

River Stort Taylor's (Abbey Cross Water)

Inter-club (Abbey Cross)

It was a draw owing to no fish being caught!

Inter-club (Abbey Cross)
Inter-club (Abbey Cross)

Phil's day

Good morning to all, the Weds club fished the interclub match against Abbey Cross on their part of the River Stort.

I drew peg 10 not knowing whether it's a good or bad peg - I got to the peg and, if I had to choose a peg, that would have been one of them. Made two tops up: one for punch bread; and one for mags and worm for perch. Well that's how it started and that's where it finished.

There were 17 anglers and 17 blanks. Apart from the biting north east wind it was a sunny day and dry to boot. The pic is my peg for the day and was glad to give it back at the end.

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