Phil's day
Hi all, the Weds club held its 2nd round of our winter league at Malcolm Barker. I drew peg 18, it's in an area that's not brilliant but that's the luck of the draw for some. Weather wise it's very mild but drizzlng with rain so got set up in the wet and stayed like that for some time. I made up 3 lines with different lines and hook size to get the best from my swim. Started off at 12 meters of pole but nothing then onto my 8 meter line - still nothing so 14 meters was all that was open to me on a 18 match hook and 2lb line with a double pinkie. Had my first bite a very small roach. This carried on for the rest of my day to weigh in with 1lb 3oz.
1st Tony Cruci with 2 carp for 28lbs 1oz, 2nd Peter Green with 12lbs he also had a very handsome carp of about 10lbs, 3rd Fred Hunt with 10lbs 6oz with 1 carp of about 6lbs and 4th Jeff Pearson 7lbs 15oz of mixed silvers