Hi all
It is that time of year again when we have flurry of activity for the end of the Club's year
Below you will find a copy of the 2022/23 Newsletter and a membership application/renewal form if you prefer to do this by post or in person
And a few dates for your diaries:
Sunday 26 March - the last match of the Club calendar until it kicks off again in June will be on Hall Farm Large Lake
Friday 31 March - last day for fishing Hall Farm Small Lake until 1 June
Wednesday 5 April - the Club's AGM - we have another post with more details on this
Thursday 18 May - the Club's presentation evening at Hunter's Meet in Hatfield Heath
Saturday 20 / Sunday 21 May - we will be at Macolm Barker Lake for those that like renewing memberships in person
Saturday 27 / Sunday 28 May - another renewal session at Macolm Barker Lake for those that like renewing memberships in person